"Congressman Murtha is a respected veteran and politician who has a record of supporting a strong America. So it is baffling that he is endorsing the policy positions of Michael Moore and the extreme liberal wing of the Democratic party."Awwww, SNAP!
I can only conclude that no one could think of any good "yo momma" lines during the fevered BushCo brainstorming session that preceeded todays press gaggle. Somebody must really hate Spinnin' Scottie, sending him out there with a desperate line of shit like that. In the Democratic war spectrum, you can't get much further from Moore than Murtha. McClellan would've looked less foolish stepping up to the podium and calling the man a doodie-head. (But then again, Scott should be quite used to looking like a buffoon, these days).
The only thing that put a bigger smile on my face than the comedy of McClellan's usual sweaty stammering was Murtha's comments on the GOP noise machine's resurrection of the "You hate America" response to their critics:
"I like guys who've never been there that criticize us who've been there. I like that. I like guys who got five deferments and never been there and send people to war, and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done."Someone wanna give Cheney some help? I think he's looking for the taste that just got slapped out of his mouth.
A refreshing change: seeing Cheney and the rest of the administration chickenhawks called on their bullshit by someone who can't be smeared (try as they might) as some kind of far left whacko. Murtha was in the Corps for 37 years, active duty and reserve. As the NYT pointed out, after initially serving in the 50s, he re-enlisted at age 34, to go to Vietnam in 1966. That sound like Michael Moore to anyone? A moveon.org posterboy?
Some dope-smoking peacenik, he ain't.
Attacks like those that have already started should be as expected as they are reprehensible. John McCain spent over five years in the Hanoi Hilton. That didn't stop him from getting smeared on a variety of fronts (mental fitness, alleged illegitimate childrten) during the 2000 Republican primary. Max Cleland left three limbs in Vietnam and still found himself in attack ads featuring Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. We've seen what happens when people run afoul of the Rove/Bush power structure and the rest of the banana republicans; there's no reason to think John Murtha wouldn't be similarly slandered. Of course, back then, Dear Leader's approval rating wasn't in the mid 30% range with majorities of the American people questioning not only his leadership, but his integrity. With numbers like that, it'll take a lot more than his usual "cry terror" routine to distract people from his petty, vindictive approach to dissent.