06 June 2005

Quite literally "pissing in our ears and telling us it's raining"

Having seen Newsweek ground beneath the Executive bootheel, we now find out that the Quran wasn't flushed down a toilet, after all. It was used as one. And the official response from presidential mouthpiece, Scott "People died" McClellan?

"It is unfortunate that some have taken out of context a few isolated incidents by a few individuals."

I'm sure that will settle this whole situation right down.

And Rummy thinks Al-Jazeera is making us look bad.

For what it's worth, I have the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform; they're putting everything at risk for the rest of us and that sacrifice cannot be overestimated. Further, I also happen to agree with the executive shill, err, White House spokesman on the point that this is "a few individuals" that we're talking about. The vast majority of our armed forces have nothing to do with the incidents that we're seeing.

That being said, the aforementioned "incidents" are looking less and less "isolated" every day. These sort of things seem to be going on everywhere we're detaining people, and no matter who is allegedly running the show. By all accounts, various incdents have been occurring for 3+ years and only now are we seeing a push to establish any definitive set of rules for detention and detainees. While Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush are busy using Amnesty Interational as their own personal urinal, Arlen Specter calls on the government to take some responsibility and do what should've been done years ago.

A few bad apples aren't our problem, it's the BushCo farmers who are refusing to tend to the afflicted trees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely metaphor.

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